The Society has printed 2300 copies of the 2023 Desk Calendars for sale as its fundraising efforts to raise the over quarter million needed per year for members treatment subsidies. Owing to the Coivd-19 pandemic, the Society had not been able to do any fund raising events the past two years. Project Calendar was its main fund raising project to raise the much needed funds . We seek all your help to play a part.
For a start, you can buy the desk calendars priced at $10.00 each. Promote the sales of the calendars to family, friends and colleagues. All sales/donations are tax exempted. Orders for the desk calendars can be placed with Mrs Wee Ai Choo 90660030, Ms See 96336112 or Dr Gan Kim Loon at 64490289.
Additional preview shots, the calendar features Chinese dates.
Alternatively, donations can be made both at the giving,sg portal or through interbank transfer.